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Google Bard

Perform Actions with Google Bard
AvatarEvan Zhou
11,243 Installs

Raycast Bard AI

A free and easy way to access Bard, on Raycast.

Obtaining Authentication

  1. Log in to your Google account, and visit Google Bard
  2. Open the Web Inspector, and go to the "Application" tab.
  3. Click open the Cookies dropdown on the sidebar, under storage, and click on the option that says https://bard.google.com.
  4. Look for and copy the Cookie labeled __Secure-1PSID. Make sure you copy the periods at the end as well.

That's it! Now, put __Secure-1PSID in the setup screen and you're all good!

Warning It is probably a good idea not to commit this COOKIE_KEY, though there doesn't seem to be a direct way to exploit it as far as I am concerned.