Extension Icon

App Icon Generator

Generate icons for multiple platforms: iOS, Android, macOS, and more.
565 Installs
App Icon Generator Logo

App Icon Generator


App Icon Generator is a Raycast extension that allows you to easily create app icons for various platforms from a single image file. This tool streamlines the process of generating multiple icon sizes required for different devices and operating systems.


  • Generate icons for multiple platforms: ICO, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, watchOS, tvOS, Chrome, Microsoft Store, Steam, and Epic Games Store
  • Create a multi-size ICO file for Windows applications
  • Produce iOS, iPadOS, and other platform icons in various required sizes
  • Generate macOS app icons in standard sizes
  • Simple and intuitive user interface within Raycast
  • Customizable default platform options in settings


  1. Make sure you have Raycast installed on your macOS system.
  2. Open Raycast and search for "Store".
  3. In the Raycast Store, search for "App Icon Generator".
  4. Click on the extension and then click "Install".


  1. Open Raycast (default shortcut: ⌘ + Space).
  2. Type "Generate App Icons" and press Enter.
  3. Select the source image file you want to use for generating icons.
  4. Choose the target platforms for which you want to generate icons.
  5. Click "Generate Icons" to start the process.
  6. Once completed, the generated icons will be saved in a new folder next to your source image.

Supported Platforms and Sizes

  • ICO (Windows): Multiple sizes in one file
  • iOS: Various sizes for different devices and contexts
  • iPadOS: Various sizes for different devices and contexts
  • macOS: Standard sizes for macOS applications
  • Android: Multiple sizes for different screen densities
  • watchOS: Various sizes for Apple Watch
  • tvOS: Sizes for Apple TV applications
  • Chrome: Icon sizes for Chrome Web Store and extensions
  • Microsoft Store: Various sizes for store listings and applications
  • Steam: Standard icon sizes for Steam platform
  • Epic Games Store: Icon sizes for Epic Games platform

Customizing Default Platforms

You can now set your preferred default platforms in the extension settings:

  1. Open Raycast Settings.
  2. Navigate to the App Icon Generator extension.
  3. Check the boxes next to the platforms you want to be selected by default.


If you encounter any issues while using the App Icon Generator:

  1. Ensure your source image is of high quality and at least 1024x1024 pixels.
  2. Check that you have write permissions in the directory where your source image is located.
  3. Restart Raycast if the extension doesn't appear or function correctly.

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, suggestions, or encounter any bugs, please contact the developer through Raycast's support channels.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you for using App Icon Generator!

Future Update Notice

Note: I know our the platform name isn't ideal. And i plan to improve it in future versions.

In the next release, i will start using a temporary name. This is the first step towards a better, more professional name. I will make these changes slowly to avoid problems for users.