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Android Debug Bridge (Adb) Commands

Run useful adb commands
AvatarQuentin Dommerc
466 Installs


Run adb commands

Currently available commands

  • airplane to toggle on/off the airplane mode
  • dark-mode to toggle on/off/auto the dark mode
  • open locale settings to open the locale settings
  • open url to open url such as deeplinks or other links
  • screenshots to take a screenshot, save it and put it on your clipboard
  • wifi to toggle on/off the wifi
  • write to write a text (like on an input)
  • display density to control display density (values from 0.5 to 3.0)
  • font size to control font sizes (vales from 0.5 to 3.0)
  • large display and font to set display density and font size to maximum (disabled by default)
  • reset display and font to reset the values to default (disabled by default)
  • change animation scale to control the window animation scale (values from 0.0 to 10.0)
  • restart adb to restart ADB server and start again