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Quick Web

Quick Web is a configurable URL autocompletion tool
AvatarVictor Cooper
290 Installs

Quick Web

Quick Web is a configurable tools that opens web with commonly used args.


Url Pattern

url pattern is the url with named args as placeholder which will be replaced in the url process.

for example, an url pattern looks like this:


argName1 and argName2 are the named args. When declare an arg, we need to wrap it in ${}

We can also set a customized input placeholder: $$. For example:


How to set customized input value will be shown in command chapter.


Just like its name, Args are args for url pattern, which should be configured before use it in url pattern.

take the url pattern shown previously as example, we declared two args in the url pattern, argName1 and argName2. Both of them should be created by Add Arg Config command.

Arg Values

Arg values are the values of an Arg. For example, we have an arg named Fruit and it has values Apple, Banana, Orange. Arg Values will be displayed in a list for users to pick one up quickly without repeatedly and tediously typing the full value of it, and this the reason why this tools is called Quick Web.



Index is the entrance of build actual url with args replaced with the chosen arg value.

Invoke Command

Invoke Command

If customized input is needed, press tab to focus on the text field and type in.

Choose Web

Choose Web

Choose Value For Args

Config Value For Args

Add Url Config

use Add Url Config command to create an url pattern.

Add Arg Config

use Add Arg Config command to create an Arg.

Edit Url Config

use Edit Url Config command to show a list of Url Configs and edit them.

Edit Arg Config

use Edit Arg Config command to show a list of Arg Configs and edit them.

Edit Args

Edit Arg Values

Export Configs

use Export Configs command to export current configs. Users can share configs by this command.

Import Configs

use Import Configs command to import configs.