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CJK Text Format Improver

Enhance your text quality by improving formatting, correcting spaces, words, and punctuation involving mixed writing of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) with English.
325 Installs

Text Format Improver

Enhance your text quality by improving formatting, correcting spaces, words, and punctuation.

This text formatting tool is designed for scenarios involving mixed writing of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) with English.

It supplements proper spaces, corrects words, and endeavors to automatically correct punctuation in a safe manner, akin to tools such as ESlint, Rubocop, Gofmt, and the like.

It is only effective in situations where CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and English are mixed together in writing.If not, there are no additional effects.


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  • 저는 매일Raycast를 사용하여 생산성을 향상시킵니다
  • 私は毎日raycastを使って仕事の効率化を助けてくれます


  • 我每天都会使用 raycast 来帮助我提升工作效率
  • 저는 매일 Raycast를 사용하여 생산성을 향상시킵니다
  • 私は毎日 raycast を使って仕事の効率化を助けてくれます