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Coda Bookmarks Search

Quickly find and open your bookmarked URLs stored in a coda table.
Alex Lin
330 Installs

Coda Bookmarks Search 🔖

linter: eslint code style: prettier

Quickly find and open your bookmarked URLs stored in a coda table.



  1. Create a coda table with name and url columns. Copy this sample doc for the quickest setup.
    1. The columns name must be name and url (case-sensitive).
  2. Create an API token in your coda account settings (be sure to save this for later).
  3. Find and copy your coda document ID.
  4. Find and copy your coda table ID.
  5. Enjoy 🍻

Copy Document ID

Follow this link and use the "Doc ID Extractor" by pasting your doc URL.


Copy document ID

Copy Table ID

Go to your coda account settings and enable developer mode to easily copy the table ID.


Enable developer mode

Copy table ID
