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An extension to handle the standard unix password manager in a convenient way using Raycast
AvatarFrancisco Flores
171 Installs


An extension to handle the standard unix password manager in a convenient way using Raycast

Quick Configuration Guide for pass

Before using this extension, you must have pass configured correctly, you will need some knowledge of GnuPG and Git to use its full potential.

Below is a quick guide to setting up pass on macOS, if you've never used pass before.

  1. Install Homebrew if you haven't installed it yet.
  2. Install gpg with brew install gnupg.
  3. Generate a new key with the command gpg --full-generate-key and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Get the ID of the newly created key with gpg --list-keys.
  5. Install pass with brew install pass.
  6. Initialize pass with your GPG ID: pass init $GPG_ID.

You can now store a new password pass insert password-name.

Optionally you can set up a Git repository pass git init, and use the pass git command to handle changes to the repository.