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Create Fantastical events and reminders using Fantastical's natural language processing.
AvatarDevah Schaefers
12,094 Installs

Fantastical in Raycast

This extension utilizes Fantastical natural language processing to add events and reminders from Raycast

Adding Events

You can add events simply by typing fan add event, add event or event then type the event you want to add.

This will use Fantastical natural language processing to add events. If you are unfamiliar with Fantastical natural language processing you can read more here.

Here is an example of adding an event:


After adding Fantastical will open with the event in the top right corner as can be seen here:

after pressing running add event command

Now you can choose to change any details or just add it to your calendar by pressing enter.

Adding Reminders

Similarly to adding events, you can add reminders simply by typing fan add reminder, add reminder or reminder then type the reminder you want to add.

This will prepend the TODO keyword in front of the text that gets sent to Fantastical which will then create a reminder so its natural language processing will also be used.

Here is an example of adding a reminder:


This too will open Fantastical with the reminder in the top right corner as can be seen here:

after pressing running add reminder command

Same as before you can now choose to change any details or just add it to your calendar by pressing enter.

Adding a list or calendar to an event or reminder

To add a specific calender or list you can use / and then type the name of the calender or list. You can just type part of the name and Fantastical will find the best match.

An example can be seen here:

how to specify calenders

Which will result in the following after running the command:

after running command with specifying calender

As you can see Fantastical figured out what calender was meant just from the /s and the calender that the event now is added to is the one specified.

Note: The calender needs to exits prior to adding the event or reminder.

If you are unsure on how to add calenders you can read more here.

Adding events or reminders without having to open the app

If you want to add events or reminders without having to open the app you can use the same commands as before and prepending quickly to them or just use fan quick add event or fan quick add reminder.


If you want to contribute to this extension you can fork the GitHub repository and make a pull request describing your changes.

Also feel free to open an issue if you have any questions or suggestions.