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Binary Tools

A calculator for binary, decimal, hex and octal numbers.
AvatarDaniel Inama
1,069 Installs


A raycast calculator plugin for binary, decimal, hex and octal numbers.


Enter your calculation in the text field, by using the following prefixes for the different number systems:

  • 0b for binary
  • 0x for hexadecimal
  • 0o for octal

The result will be calculated on the fly and displayed live under your calculation. If you want to calculate floating point numbers, you can use the . or , as decimal separator. Currently only decimal and binary fixed point numbers are supported as input.


  • 0b101 + 0x1 will result in 0b110 or 6 in decimal
  • 0b0101+0o5-0xf will result in -0b101? or -5 in decimal
  • 0b0.1 will result in 0.5 in decimal