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Check Citi Bike Availability

Check the availability of bikes/e-bikes at CitiBike NYC stations.
AvatarKevin Cole
11 Installs

Citi Bike Checker

Check the availability of bikes/e-bikes at Citi Bike NYC stations from Raycast.

Searching for stationsscreenshot: searching stations
Adding stations to favoritesscreenshot: adding favorite stations
Viewing favorite station statusesscreenshot: favorite station statuses

This extension is not affiliated with or supported by Citi Bike / Lyft, Inc. It is made available on an "as is" basis and provided without express or implied warranties of any kind.


  • Query real-time classic bike and eBike availability at Citi Bike stations across NYC.
  • Save and manage favorite stations for quick access.
  • Display detailed information about each station, including when availability data was most recently updated.

API Endpoints

This extension uses the following publicly-accessible Citi Bike NYC API endpoints:

  • Station Status: https://gbfs.citibikenyc.com/gbfs/en/station_status.json
  • Station Information: https://gbfs.citibikenyc.com/gbfs/en/station_information.json


Built with love for NYC by @kcole93 / Ainslie Digital.