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Bing Wallpaper

Get, set, auto-switch Bing wallpapers to explore the world.
1,526 Installs

Bing Wallpaper

Get, set, auto-switch Bing wallpapers to explore the world.


  • You can choose the folder where you want to save your Bing wallpapers in Download Directory Preferences, and when you check Auto Download Wallpapers, the latest wallpapers will be saved automatically.
  • You can place PNG(.png), JPG(.jpg) or HEIC(.heic) images in the folder where Bing wallpapers are downloaded, and you can quickly find and set these images as wallpapers by Set Bing Wallpaper or Random Bing Wallpaper command
  • If you don't like the automatic wallpaper switching feature, turn it off by turning off the Background Refresh function in the command's preferences

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