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Gmail Accounts

Quickly access your Gmail accounts in Chrome (requires Google Chrome)

Gmail Accounts

A Raycast extension that allows you to quickly access your Gmail accounts in Chrome.


  • ๐Ÿ“‹ Lists all Gmail accounts connected to your Chrome browser
  • ๐Ÿ“Œ Pin favorite accounts for quicker access
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Organize your pinned accounts by moving them up and down
  • ๐Ÿš€ Open Gmail directly in Chrome with a single click


  1. Ensure Google Chrome is installed on your Mac
  2. Install the extension from the Raycast Store โ†’ Gmail Accounts


  1. Open Raycast and type "Gmail Accounts"
  2. Select "List Accounts" to see all your connected Gmail accounts
  3. Use the actions in the Action Panel to:
    • Open an account in Chrome
    • Pin/unpin accounts
    • Rearrange pinned accounts
    • Copy Gmail URLs

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • โŒ˜ โ‡ง P - Pin/Unpin an account
  • โŒ˜ โŒฅ โ†‘ - Move pinned account up
  • โŒ˜ โŒฅ โ†“ - Move pinned account down

Security Note

This extension accesses Chrome cookies to retrieve your Google account information. It:

  • Uses the chrome-cookie-decrypt package to read cookies from Chrome
  • Only accesses cookies from Google domains
  • Does not send your data to any external servers except Google's own services
  • Stores a cache of your accounts and pinned preferences locally

The extension needs these permissions to show you which accounts you're logged into. If you have security concerns, you can review the source code to see exactly how your data is handled.


  • macOS
  • Raycast
  • Google Chrome browser installed at /Applications/Google Chrome.app

How It Works

The extension reads your Chrome cookies to identify Google accounts you're logged into, then displays them in a convenient list within Raycast. You can then quickly access your Gmail inbox for any account with a single click.