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Tmux Sessioner

Quick Tmux Session Switcher
1,289 Installs

Tmux Sessioner


This is a extension for raycast to manage tmux sessions.


  • Switch between sessions πŸ”„
  • Switch between windows πŸ”„
  • Attach to sessions/windows automatically with setup terminal πŸ–₯
  • Attach to sessions automatically with setup terminal πŸ–₯
  • Create new sessions πŸ†•
  • Delete sessions πŸ—‘
  • Rename sessions πŸ“

How to use

  1. Install Raycast πŸ“¦
  2. Install Tmux πŸ“¦
  3. Install Extension πŸ“¦
  4. Open Raycast and type Tmux Sessioner to see all commands πŸ“Ÿ
  5. First time you need to setup your terminal to attach to sessions automatically πŸ–₯ Setup Terminal
  6. Enjoy Mangaging your sessions πŸŽ‰ Manage Session
  7. You can create a new session with type Create New Session πŸ†• Create Terminal


  • Label sessions 🏷
  • Prioritize sessions πŸ“ˆ
  • Allow Creating Session with predefined windows πŸ–Ό
  • Create Windows