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GitHub Codespaces

Manage and launch codespaces
AvatarMichael Wang
500 Installs

GitHub Codespaces for Raycast

Display, launch, and manage your codespaces from Raycast


This extension requires the creation of a personal access token to work. To get started, first:

  • Login to GitHub.com
  • Click on your avatar image in the right upper corner
  • From the dropdown menu, click on Settings
  • On the left-hand side, click on Developer settings.
  • On the left-hand side, click on Personal access tokens.
  • On this page, we'll create a new access token. Click on Generate new token in the upper-right.
  • Leave a note for your token (Eg. GitHub Codespaces for Raycast). This will help you identify it in the future.
  • You'll need to check the following boxes to ensure this extension can perform properly:
    • repo
    • codespaces
  • Click Generate token and save this value somewhere. You'll only be able to see this once.
  • When you run this extension for the first time, you'll be prompted to enter this token.