Extension Icon

Battery Menu Bar

Battery capacity and power-draw information in the Menu Bar
1,067 Installs

Battery status & power draw in your Menu Bar

Keep an eye on how quickly your battery is drained.

This extension adds a battery percentage icon to your menu bar that will change it's color when estimated time left on battery drops below a configurable amount, or when a lot of power is being used.

This way, you can quickly spot that you're using way too much power to survive through the day.

By clicking on the icon you can quickly check:

BatteryPercentageHow much battery is left
BatteryTime leftEstimated time left on battery
BatteryLow Power ModeWhether low power mode is enabled
BatteryBattery HealthCurrent battery health
BatteryBattery CyclesNumber of battery cycles
BatteryPower DrawHow much power has been drawn within last minute
BatteryHiger/Lower DrawHow much more or less power you've used compared to 2 minutes ago [1]
ScreenScreen Waking TimeHow much time the screen has been on since last wake
CPUCPU UsageHow much the CPU was busy during last minute
CPULoad AverageLoad average for last 1, 5 and 15 minutes


  1. so you can see how much power is being used or saved when you change things - like dim your screen or kill Chrome