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AI chatbot trained on your data and with access to automations.
AvatarRafal Zawadzki
201 Installs


Create a chatbot trained on any website or documentation, and with access to automations. Get answers and trigger actions right in your command bar.


AI chatbot trained on your data and with access to automations.

Question view


Get instant answers

Train a custom ChatGPT chatbot on any website content or documentation, then query it from your command bar.

Answer view

Call automations

Connect your chatbot to automation apps like Zapier, ActivePieces, Make.com or APIs and ask your chatbot to trigger the automations for you.

Automations view

How to use

This extension requires you to have a Chatwith account and API key to query your trained chatbot(s). You can get your API key from your account page.

Once you have this, you'll need to add your API key and Chatbot ID in the extension settings.

Initial view

All the preferences value will be stored locally using the Raycast Preferences API


All preferences properties list that can be customized through Raycast Settings > Extensions > Chatwith

apiKeyAPI keystringtrueemptyYour Chatwith API key
chatbotIdChatbot IDstringtrueemptyID for the chatbot you would like to query


Created by Rafal Zawadzki