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GitHub Review Requests

Search review requests on GitHub and listing them.
AvatarXuesu Li
1,346 Installs

GitHub Review Requests

🚀 Stay on top of PR notifications to boost your working efficiency.

Key Features

We provide a work mode version rather than a general-use extension that only focuses on managing your PRs for your workspace.

PRs will be divided into 4 categories:

  • Wait For Merge - Your PRs that have been approved by reviewers. This reminds you to take the next action (e.g., merge the code and deploy).
  • Wait For Change - Your PRs that have been explicitly requested changes. You probably need to take some time to digest the comments and find a way to resolve them.
  • Wait For Review - Your PRs are still waiting for reviewers to decide.
  • New Request Review - Other's PRs that you haven't reviewed. Don't keep someone hanging for a long time.

Getting Started

Step 1: Create GitHub Personal Access Token

In Raycast, we need to use this token to authenticate your GitHub account:

  1. Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens.
  2. Click "Generate new token" then "Generate new token (classic).
  3. Add a "Note" for the token (e.g., "Raycast GitHub Extension").
  4. Select the required scopes:
  • repo
  • read:org
  • read:user
  • read:email
  • project
  1. Click "Generate token". Don't forgot to save the token into your personal password vault!
  2. Copy the token in the "GitHub Token" field in the extension's preferences.

(Optional) Step 2: Update Extension Preferences

Sometimes, you might only want to focus on specific organization/owner of PRs. For instance, you want to check PRs from your workspace hourly.

This is our moment to shine! Enter your organization/owner in the extension's preferences, separating them with commas if you have many.