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IMDb Search

Easily open your favorite film or TV series on IMDb.
Ryan Voevodin
7,971 Installs

IMDb Search

A Raycast extension that lets you easily open your favorite film or tv series on IMDb.

This extension is made by Ryan Voevodin and uses The Open Movie Database API (OMDb) by Brian Fritz.

Getting Your API Token

  1. Visit the OMDb website.
  2. Sign up to the Free (1000 Daily Limit) option with your email address.
  3. Check your inbox and activate your API key from OMDb.

    Note: You may need to change the activation link to https://

  4. Copy your key e.g. ab12c345 onto the IMDb Search preference pane on Raycast (see image below).
  5. You're all ready to go, start searching.


🔺 401 [Unauthorized]

The API key you've provided either hasn't been activated or is incorrect.

  1. Open the confirmation email from OMDb.
  2. Activate the API key once more.

    Note: You may need to change the activation link to https://

  3. On Raycast open the Preferences pane (Search "Extensions Raycast Preferences").
  4. Select the Search Film and TV Series command from the list.
  5. Paste in your API key e.g. ab12c345 into the field provided.
  6. Re-open the IMDb extension and try searching for your favorite film or tv series.

Other Issues

If any other issues persist, feel free to contact me.



Special thanks again to Brian Fritz for providing the Open Movie Database API. If you would like to support the OMDb project, you can become a patreon.

This extension is not endorsed by or affiliated with IMDb or OMDb.