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Color Casket

Handy Color Utilities
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Color Casket

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Handy color utilities in your pocket.

Now with Color Picker!

Color Casket provide you ability to pick and render color strings in next formats:

  • HEX
  • RGB
  • HSL
  • Keyword

Keyword - its basic color names as: red, blue, cyan, purple, etc. When you searching in another format Color Casket will find closest color name;


Render Color

Type Render Color command to open your color casket.

Pick Color

Type Pick Color command to open a color picker.

Available keywords to find commands: color, pick, eyedropper, pipette, render, render color, color utilities, color casket


  • pick color from everywhere
  • render color by string value
  • render and pick history
  • favorite color list
  • configure preferred color format
  • filter by formats

Future updates

Let's make Color Casket as your favorite pocket color tools. Create a Pull Request or open a Feature Request with your new great idea.

TODO schedule

  • generate shades (based on color)
  • generate color palette (based on color)
  • search in opinion recommended color palettes


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


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