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Manage Monorepo Projects/Workspaces

A Raycast extension helps to manage monorepo projects/workspaces in your machine. It also list all packages in each monorepo project/workspace
AvatarTung Dang
90 Installs


Introduction about Raycast Monorepo

This Raycast Monorepo is an extension installed in Raycast. The extension helps you to:

  • Open a project folder quickly.
  • If the project is a Yarn/Npm monorepo, it can list all packages inside the monorepo, filter, and open a single package quickly. Each package can have some metadata (such as team information and Jira project URL...), and you can quickly view this metadata.

Workspace List view

This extension will scan all direct folders in rootSourceFolder (configured in the extension preferences) folder and show them like this:

Search workspace

Each folder is considered a project or workspace if it has a package.json file at the root. Otherwise, it is considered a normal folder.

  • Only a workspace has a special action Show List of Packages. A normal folder does not have this action.
  • Only a package has this special action See Package Details that allows seeing details of the selected package.

Package List view

When you select a workspace, it shows a list of packages of the selected workspace.

All actions

A worksapce, normal folder, and package have these common actions:

Actions related to editors

  • Open in Visual Studio Code: open the selected workspace/folder/package in Visual Studio Code Text editor.
  • Open in Sublime Text: open the selected workspace/folder/package in Sublime Text editor.

Common actions

  • Open in Finder: : open selected workspace/folder/package in Finder.
  • Copy Path: copy path of the selected workspace/folder/package.
  • Open in Terminal: open the selected workspace/folder/package in Terminal app.
  • Open With...: open selected workspace/folder/package in any applications.
  • Open Remote URL: open remote git URL of the selected workspace/folder/package in a browser.

Actions if a package has a team information

  • Open Jira Project Link: open a Jira project of the selected package if available.
  • Open Slack Channel: open a Slack Channel of a team owning the selected package if available.

Uncommon actions

  • Submit Feedback: open a Github link where users can submit feedback/questions/issues.
  • Clear Cache: clear cached to load the latest updates.
  • Trash: remove the folder of workspace/folder/package.

Package Detail view

When you select a package and then choose See package detail action. The next view will show details of the selected package. In addition, it also shows the content of README.md file of the selected package if available.

If you follow the next section to setup teams.json file, the Package Detail view can show team information about who owns the selected package.

Extension preferences

  • rootSourceFolder: (required) a folder path where the extension scans all direct sub-folders and detect them as monorepo workspace or a normal folder. We don't support a deep scanning at this moment.
  • cacheDuration: (optional) we use caches to improve performance of showing results. Default duration of caching is 86400000MS = 1 day.
  • slackRedirectLink: (optional) a URL has this structure https://<your-workspace>.slack.com/app_redirect?channel={query}. It is used to open Slack channel of a team owning a package.
  • mainFieldName: (optional) a field name in package.json file containing team name who owns a package. If the field name is not specified, some detail info of current package will be omitted

How to setup teams.json

  1. Create a file teams.json at root folder of a workspace/prject. The teams.json file is considered as file databse containg all teams. It has this structure
// in `teams.json` file

  "team-name-a": {
      "contributors": [
      "directly-responsible-individual": "person-name-a",
      "project": "https://<your-company>.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/<your-project-key>/boards/<your-board-id>",
      "slack": "#slack-channel-name",
  "team-name-b": {
    // same as above
  1. In package.json file in a single package/workspace, there should be a field to specify a team owning that package
// in `package.json` file

  "name": "<package-name-a>",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "dependencies": {
  "devDependencies": {
  "<mainFieldName>": {
      "team": "team-name-a",

mainFieldName is configured in this Raycast extension preferences. So the Package Detail view can use this field to look up team information in teams.json file.


  1. Install this Raycast VSCode extension
  2. In VSCode, press Cmd + Shift + P -> choose Raycast: Start Development Mode
  3. Now you can follow this Raycast document for debugging.
  4. After testing in the main branch, we can follow this Raycast document to update the extension in the Raycast store. At this moment, we do manually coping all files to the Raycast repo except these folders:
  • node_modules
  • .circleci
  • .github
  • .git
