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Serve Web Apps with one command ngrok is a simplified API-first ingress-as-a-service that adds connectivity, security, and observability to your apps in one line
516 Installs


Serve Web Apps with one command

ngrok is a simplified, API-first ingress-as-a-service that adds connectivity, security, and observability to your apps with just one command. Be sure to explore the available actions in the action panel (⌘ + K).


  1. Create an ngrok account (Sign Up).
  2. Download ngrok for macOS.
  3. Follow the setup guide.
  4. Use port 4040 for the ngrok web interface, which is the default configuration.

How to Get an Auth Token

  1. Open ngrok tunnels auth tokens.
  2. Click the "+ Add Tunnel Authtoken" button.
  3. Assign ownership to a Bot User. You can name it "Raycast" for future reference.
  4. Click the "Save" button.

How to Get an API Token

  1. Open ngrok API.
  2. Click the "+ New API Key" button.
  3. Assign ownership to a Bot User. You can name it "Raycast" for future reference.
  4. Click the "Add API Key" button.